Protecting Our Wildlife


Acme’s policy is to ensure that, without compromising on health and safety Protecting our wildliferequirements, ecology will not suffer any harm as a result of any operations carried out and are especially vigilant as to the presence of European protected species, bats and nesting birds.

All European protected species, bats, birds, bird nests and eggs are protected by law under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981The Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CROW) 2000 and The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 collectively and if breached can result in significant penalties.

Acme ensures that its working culture encourages constructive conservation and is committed to complying with all applicable legal requirements.

Prior to commencing any work, where it is possible that there may be a risk of disturbing any protected species, we will carry out a Wildlife Assessment and, if required, relevant actions taken with working methods and plans amended to ensure that no disturbance is caused and that any environmental risk is as low as is reasonably practicable. If necessary, advice from qualified ecologists or specialists will be sought before, during or after any operations.

Wildlife Scopes

When carrying out wildlife scopes the nature and characteristics of each site will be noted assessed and the potential for wildlife in that particular area noted. A Wildlife Assessment will be completed which covers the potential for bats, birds, small mammals ie badgers, squirrels, otters and also reptiles and amphibians such as; frogs, toads, great crested newts all being assessed.

Where bats and birds are evident further scopes are carried out in more detail.

Bats and their Roosts

All bats and their roosts, even if the bats are not present at the time, are protected. Where it is possible that bats could be present Acme are suitably qualified to carry out a Preliminary Bat Scope and then if required, a Secondary Bat Scope prior to any work commencing. In the event that bats are discovered the relevant government guideline procedures are set in place and adhered to.

If unexpectedly bats are subsequently discovered when work have already commenced operations will immediately stop and the correct procedures implemented and the relevant bodies informed for their action if required.

Nesting Season

Nesting birds

The ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England)

Working on trees and sites within the nesting season Acme will complete a Wildlife Assessment and more detailed Bird Survey prior to any works commencing taking special note of any species that are within Schedule 1 to ensure that no disturbance or harm is caused in any circumstances.

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